Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

    címtáras azonosítással

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    Publication of Scientific Papers

    A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Tudományos publikálás

    Last updated: 2021. március 22.

    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
    Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
    VIHIAV44   2/0/0/f 2  
    3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Kara Péter András,
    4. Instructors



    Tanszék, Int.:

    Dr. Bokor László

     egyetemi docens


    Dr. Kara Péter András

     tudományos segédmunkatárs


    7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

    The goal of the lectures is to enable an in-depth understanding of the lifecycle of scientific papers, from the perspectives of both the authors and the reviewers. By completing the course, the student shall be able to:

    • identify appropriate scientific venues (i.e., journals and conferences),
    • specify the necessary data to be submitted regarding the contribution,
    • compose journal and conference papers,
    • handle the submission procedure,
    • rate scientific papers,
    • competently present at conferences (i.e., talks and posters), and
    • manage the long-term presence of published papers.
    8. Synopsis • Week 1: Why should I publish?
    o Introduction, the history of scientific publishing, modern dissemination of knowledge, relevant organizations, general overview of the publication process, the lifecycle of papers.
    • Week 2: Where should I publish?
    o Scientific journals and conferences, presentations and posters, regular and short papers, scientific contributions and review papers, invited papers, open access, the predators of publishing.
    • Week 3: What should I publish?
    o Scientific content of papers, trade secrets and know-how, extent of novel contribution, extension of prior works and similar research, claims, technical soundness.
    • Week 4: How should I publish? Part 1
    o Template, title, subtitle, authors, affiliations, funding information, abstract, keywords, research question.
    • Week 5: How should I publish? Part 2
    o Related work, experimental setup, contributions, results, figures, tables, language.
    • Week 6: How should I publish? Part 3
    o Conclusion, summary, discussion, acknowledgment, references, footnotes.
    • Week 7: Submission
    o Submission criteria, special issues, cover letter, conflict of interest, correspondent author, the authors' consent, submission portals, internal validation, external validation, supplemental contents, salami publishing, extended abstract.
    • Week 8: The review process
    o Blind reviews, double-blind reviews, assigning reviewers, review criteria, paper ranking, thematical selection, relevance/irrelevance, plagiarism, self-plagiarism.
    • Week 9: The verdict
    o Acceptance, rejection, multi-level/multi-round acceptance, conditional acceptance, rebuttal, resubmission.
    • Week 10: The final steps
    o Preparation of the camera-ready paper, modifications to content, proofreading, review of editorial work, legal documents.
    • Week 11: The presentation
    o Regular presentations and poster presentations at scientific conferences, requirements, paper exclusion, Q&A sessions, technical difficulties.
    • Week 12: Post-publishing management
    o Detection and handling of errors, extension of published works, publication databases, paper being published, online-only publications, citation, sharing rights.
    • Week 13: Publication hall of fame
    o Analysis of some of the greatest scientific papers ever published.
    • Week 14: Student presentations
    o The students present their assignments.
    9. Method of instruction

    2 hours of lecture per week.

    10. Assessment
    • 1 mid-term exam one on week 7, covering the topics of weeks 1 to 6
    • Written assignment delivered by week 13 and oral presentation (based on the selected topic of the assignment) on week 14, during the scheduled times of the lectures. The assignment can be done either individually or in pairs, but in case of the latter, the individual contributions must be clarified and both students must participate in the presentation.
    11. Recaps

    The mid-term exam can be retaken on week 15. The deadline for the late submission of the assignment is week 15, and the same week provides the opportunity for late presentations.

    12. Consultations

    Prior to the mid-term exam, and also any time during the semester, based on demand.

    13. References, textbooks and resources On writing scientific papers:
    • C. A. Mack, "How to Write a Good Scientific Paper," Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2018.
    • B. Gastel and R. A. Day, "How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper," Cambridge University Press, 2017.
    • S. C. Parija and V. Kate, "Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper," Springer Verlag, 2017.
    • C. N. Candlin, P. Crompton and B. Hatim, "Academic Writing Step by Step," Equinox Publishing, 2015.
    • P. J. Benson and S. C. Silver, "What Editors Want: An Author's Guide to Scientific Journal Publishing," The University of Chicago Press, 2013.
    • M. Aliotta, "Mastering Academic Writing in the Sciences," Taylor & Francis, 2018.
    • S. B. Heard, "Scientist's Guide to Writing," Princeton University Press, 2016.
    • M. Hochberg, "Editor's Guide to Writing and Publishing Science," Oxford University Press, 2019.
    • R. E. Berger, "Scientific Approach to Writing for Engineers & Scientists," Wiley, 2014.
    • D. Kmiec, "IEEE Guide to Writing in the Engineering and Technical Fields," Wiley, 2017.
    • B. Stephen, "Essentials of Academic Writing for International Students," Taylor & Francis, 2015.
    • M. Rowena, "Writing for Academic Journals," Open University Press, 2013.
    • E. Wager, "Getting Research Published," Taylor & Francis, 2015.

    On the language of scientific papers:

    • R. A. Day and N. Sakaduski, "Scientific English," Greenwood Press, 2011.
    • P. Young, "Writing and Presenting in English," Elsevier, 2006.
    • H. Glasman-Deal, "Science Research Writing For Non-native Speakers Of English", Imperial College Press, 2009.
    • A. Wallwork, "English for Writing Research Papers," Springer Verlag, 2016.
    On presenting scientific papers at conferences:
    • A. Wallwork, "English for Presentations at International Conferences," Springer Verlag, 2016.
    • N. Rowe, "Academic & Scientific Poster Presentation," Springer Verlag, 2017.
    14. Required learning hours and assignment



    Mid-term preparation:


    Preparations for lectures





    15. Syllabus prepared by



    Tanszék, Int.:

    Dr. Bokor László

     egyetemi docens


    Dr. Kara Péter András

     tudományos segédmunkatárs
