Electric Vehicles

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Villamos járművek

Last updated: 2012. november 24.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIVEM263 2 2/1/0/v 4  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Számel László,
6. Pre-requisites
NEM ( TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIVEMA08" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
TárgyEredmény("BMEVIVEMA08", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0)

A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

8. Synopsis Classes of electric vehicles. Traction force vs. velocity characteristic and traction power. Requirements for control of traction force, traveling velocity and break force. Structure of electric vehicles, tasks of main and ancillary operation. Energy supply for contact-line electrically driven rail vehicles, multi-current mode trains and motor-coaches. Electric drives and development directions of typical locomotives. Traveling and break control of electric locomotives. Electric power supply and controlled electric drives of urban trams, trolleys and
underground trains. Typical types and development directions. Electric structure, energy supply, drives and development directions of electric and hybrid cars. Special vehicles, vehicles with linear motor drive and levitation. Protection and roadworthiness equipments of vehicles. Ancillary equipments of vehicles. Electric vehicles in the future.
14. Required learning hours and assignment
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