Multicultural IT 2 - Development Manager's Perspective

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Multikulturális IT 2. - A fejlesztőmenedzser szempontjából

Last updated: 2010. november 12.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Mérnök informatikus szak

BSc képzés

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VISZA089   0/0/2/f 2  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Wiener Gábor,
4. Instructors










Department of Computer Science and Information Theory




Assoc. professor


Department of Computer Science and Information Theory


5. Required knowledge In order to effectively contribute to the work in the course, students are expected to have previous software development experience. Familiarity with high level development languages like C, C++, C#, VisualBasic or other and previous work in user interface development is necessary.  Participation on the first part of the course: MultiCultural IT 1 – Product Manager’s Perspective is not required, but highly recommended.



May be studied in the same semester as “Multicultural IT 1 –Product manager’s Perspective”


7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge This course is recommended to students interested in the creation of commercial desktop or networked software applications intended for a global user base. Students will learn to choose development tools and platforms that can accelerate the deployment of software in a multicultural environment and will learn to balance the trade-offs resulting from early development decisions.


8. Synopsis In the era of Internet marketing all IT products are globally accessible, but becoming a global standard is hardly an option for the majority of the products and companies. By observing cultural diversity and successfully adopting to local end-user needs increases the chances of an emerging IT player to become successful on the global marketplace.  Based on the experience gained in the development of Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD the course will demonstrate how deeply a successful product must be diversified to meet local needs.



In this part we will explore some of the tools available to development managers when starting the development of a new IT application. We will discuss the benefits and disadvantages and we will cover mixed strategies for products with extensive history as well. Our focus will be technical, but we will cover the in-house communication strategies with product managers, QA people and upper management.


This is the second part of a two part course, first part focusing on the perspective of the product manager while the second part’s focus is on the engineering perspective. While the two parts are independent of each other and can be attended separately, they both study the same problem from two different angles with little to no overlap. Often the key in product success is to master both angles of product development, therefore attending both parts is recommended.


Session Outline (by week):



Lecture: Multicultural software –the Engineer’s perspective


Unicode and text in separate files – is that all?


OS support


Application types and their nature



Student presentation: GUI frameworks: MFC


Forming of task groups to design the development strategy of a specified application


Lecture: Use of commercial framework vs.  Home-grown solution



Student presentation: GUI frameworks: COCOA


Discussion: task group assignment consultation


Guest presentation: the Graphisoft GUI framework



Student presentation: GUI frameworks: QT


Lecture: battlefield stories


Developers talking to end-users


Put to User interface or Preferences file


The single button User Interface



Task group 1 presentation


Guest presentation



Task group 2 presentation


Discussion: conclusions



Task group 3 presentation`


Final test



9. Method of instruction

1. Lectures will be based on concrete examples and personal experience.
2. Two guest lecturers will be providing detailed account of their firm’s experiences and failures in the topic.
3. There will be a series of individual student presentations about user interface frameworks. Volunteering students will prepare presentations based on their own research in the recommended reading and on the Internet.
4. A team work will be prepared in small groups related to the creation of the development strategy for a chosen IT    solution regarding internationalization and presented by each group.
5. Students will write a closing test to demonstrate their ability and acquired skills in successfully managing an IT product development effort.

10. Assessment The grades will be determined based on the individual student presentations (70%) and a closing test (30%)


13. References, textbooks and resources Dr. International: Developing International Software
Microsoft Press; 2nd edition, 2002. (ISBN-13: 978-0735615830)


14. Required learning hours and assignment
Number of contact hours




Preparation to the classes




Preparation to the tests








Assigned reading




Preparation to the exam








15. Syllabus prepared by










Department of Computer Science and Information Theory