Financial Software Technology

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Pénzügyi szoftver technológiák

Last updated: 2017. július 3.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics




Course ID

























Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIAUM100   3/0/1/v 5  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Asztalos Márk,
4. Instructors 4. Instructors:








Márk Asztalos PhD


senior lecturer


Department of Automation and Applied Informatics


5. Required knowledge -
6. Pre-requisites
7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

The goal of the course is to provide knowledge to the students of business informatics on basic concepts of software technology. The main emphasis is put on modeling financial systems, specification, planning and design. Some sector specific modeling language is introduced. Foundations of system development from ready-made components are also presented. Issues on software and data security are strongly emphasized alongside with knowledge on desktop, web based and mobile applications

7.b. Acquired skills


Students will be familiar with different aspects of the architecture and development of financial information systems. Armed with them will be able to develop systems, user interface and client side software based on ready-made components on different platforms; desktop, we-based and mobile clients.



8. Synopsis 8.a Lecture


1.      Introduction:
Concept of software technology, general features, its role in informatics. General methodologies in development, modeling financial systems. Time to market approach.


2.      Software technology for development of financial systems:
Life cycle models, object oriented design, system of notations and the process of development. Life cycle model of Unified Process, Unified Modeling Language (UML) overview, object oriented analysis, Analysis Patterns, object oriented design, system design control, implementation, detailed design.


3.      The role of sector specific languages in the development of financial information systems:
Meta-modeling, abstract syntax, software models and labeled graphs, attribute modeling, constraints, multiplicity and specific syntax.


4.      The role of sector specific languages in the development of financial information systems: Model based development, model processing.


5.      Design and architectural patterns for financial information systems:
Design Patterns: overview and some highlights Singleton, Adapter, Observer, Bridge, Proxy, Memento, Command, etc.


6.      Design and architectural patterns for financial information systems: Layering, Model-View-Controller, Document-View, Framework (object oriented from structured design).


7.      Server and client side development techniques:
Applicable design patters, data handling, fixing, multi-component application development.


8.      Server and client side development techniques: Web-application development, architectures, scripts on server- and client-side. Usage of client- and server-side controls, event driven server-side programing.


9.      Thin and thick mobile client development:
Business based platforms, event driven applications, usage of controls, text graphics usage, special techniques (double buffering),


10.  Thin and thick mobile client development: development of multi-fiber applications, problem of synchronization and their solution, development of modular user interfaces.

1.      Communication on standardized interfaces:
Problems of design of interfaces, development and usage. Implementation of interfaces and their particular issues..


2.      Problems of development of distributed financial systems:
Theoretical foundation of distributed systems, communication between applications (IBMMQ, Pub/Sub services (CPS)), basic services for the architecture of distributed systems, techniques of code re-usage, component based programing.


3.      Problems of development of distributed financial systems: Theoretical foundations of development of distributed systems and standardized architectures. (DCOM, CORBA), transaction processing, asynchrony processing in distributed systems (MTS, MSMQ), security issues in distributed systems. Grid: distributed computing and storage.


4.      Case studies
Case studies, relevant to the topics are presented during the lectures, complex case studies discussed at the end.



8.b Lab: (every two weeks)


Exercises of technologies and techniques for development of financial information systems. Labs topics closely follow the lectures and the actual topics are exercised:


·Object oriented planning, UML, sector specific modeling


·Design and architectural patters


·Client- server-side development


·Thin, thick mobile client development


·Design and implementation of interfaces


· Design and implementation of distributed systems



9. Method of instruction Lectures and labs


During the term one financial application is chosen and one component of it is designed, developed and presented in a short document and lecture.


10. Assessment a. During the term: Conditions of the signature: acceptable mark for the homework  and acceptable mark in the lab.



b. Written exam



c. Pre-exam: non


11. Recaps - The homework can be handed in during the recap week for extra charge; presentation of it and the maximum 30% of the missed lab exercises should be done as it is set preliminarily by the lecturer.


12. Consultations upon personal inquiry
13. References, textbooks and resources
  • Richard D. Stutzke: Estimating Software-Intensive Systems. Addison Wesley, 2005.


  • Kurt C. Wallnau, Scott A. Hissam, Robert C. Seacord: Building Systems from Commercial components. Addison Wesley, 2002.


  • Mauro Pezze, Michal Young: Software Testing and Analysis. Wiley, 2008.


14. Required learning hours and assignment
Kontakt óra56
Félévközi készülés órákra24
Felkészülés zárthelyire
Házi feladat elkészítése30
Kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása
15. Syllabus prepared by








DR. Hassan Charaf

Assoc. Prof.

Department of Automation and Applied Informatics


Dr. László Lengyel

Assoc. Prof.

Department of Automation and Applied Informatics

Dr. Dénes Bisztray

Assoc. Prof.

Department of Automation and Applied Informatics

Márk Asztalos PhD


senior lecturer

Department of Automation and Applied Informatics