(Lifelong) Learning and Working Life

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Tanulás és életpálya

Last updated: 2014. november 1.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

 Lifelong -life(wide) learning and carrier


Electrical Engineering
Information Technology Professional
Biomedical Engineering Expertise
Economic Informatics

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
GT51A020   1/1/0/f 2  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Kálmán Anikó,
Web page of the course Lifelong -life(wide) learning and carrier
4. Instructors Kálmán Anikó Dr., Department of Technical Education
5. Required knowledge

-       Emphasizing the development of independent problem-identifying and problem-solving skills by analyzing Hungarian and European labour market challenges.

-       In the framework of optional exercises and self-controlled learning processes and by acquiring the steps of program planning concentrating on the field of technology, training orientation possibilities are granted to participants on their fields of interest.

-       During the training period we try to present the practical applicability and large scale practice orientation through theoretical knowledge, wide-range technological examples, case-studies and the analysis of changes.

-       The participants of this course will gain the necessary knowledge and competences for understanding the importance of sustaining the lifelong competitive knowledge by making individual job and scope of activities analysis based on their own learning competences and methods. They will understand the problems of learning skills as life skills, a new type of human capital, networking, teamwork and working methods in the context of lifelong learning.

-     What does it mean not only surviving but being successful in the dynamically changing professional and global environment today?

-      the development of modern, modular and competence-based methods and curriculum, elaboration of methods, curriculum and programs that allow individual and open learning ways;

  -       the thorough modernization of the system of trainers’ training for allowing educators to learn the skills, competences,     methodological and practical knowledge which enables them the successful transmission of knowledge


6. Pre-requisites
No prerequisite for taking up the course 
7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

During the courses the development of independent problem-identifying and problemsolving skills is emphasized by analyzing Hungarian and European labour market challenges in lifelong learning.

In the framework of optional exercises and self-controlled learning processes and by acquiring the steps of program planning concentration in the field of technology, training orientation possibilities are granted to participants in their fields of interest.

During the training period we aim to present the practical applicability and large scale practice orientation through theoretical knowledge, wide-range technological examples, case-studies and the analysis of changes.

The participants of this course will gain the necessary knowledge and competences for understanding the importance of sustaining the lifelong competitive knowledge by carrying out individual tasks and scope of activities, analysis based on their own learning competences and methods. They will understand the problems of learning skills as life skills, a new type of human capital, networking, teamwork and working methods in the context of lifelong learning.

Besides focusing on the role of university in lifelong learning we also intend to find answers for the question: “What does it mean not only surviving but being successful in the dynamically changing professional and global environment today?”
8. Synopsis
  • Definition of LLL
  • The strategy for Lifelong learning
  • Lifelong teaching learning as professional activities

The current question of LLL

ADult Teaching and Learning

  • Europe 2020

The changing env

  • Self-directed learning
  • Life Long Learning and University


Knowledge Triangle

9. Method of instruction 1 hour lecture 1 hour practice
10. Assessment

In the study period: Preparing, presenting and evaluating (A) skills and performance development, (B) situation and practice oriented, and (C) process planning project tasks/ case studies and excercises. Writing an online exam.

11. Recaps Based on the Study and Examination Rules: supplementing tasks by the end of the supplementing period.
12. Consultations Continuously with the lecturer connected to the lectures during the semester
13. References, textbooks and resources

Kálmán, A. (2006): Tanári szerepek – tanulási stílusok (A felnőtt-tanulás folyamata), ISBN 963-8088-16-8, ISSN 1588-9572, OKKER, Budapest

Kálmán, A. (2005): Andragógiai módszertan: a felnőttoktatók kompetenciái, Budapest: Lifelong Learning Füzetek, ISBN 963-9228-96-6, OKKER, Budapest, 136 oldal

Europa 2020 - A European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

George Mikes: How to be an Alien   (28 oldal)

5 TRENDS V: UNIVERSITIES SHAPING THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA(David Crosier;Lewis Purser and Hanne Smidt  (2007) (94 oldal)

(saját nyomtatott verzió).


(Final report of the quality assurance for the HE change Agenda project. (20098 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY CHARTER ON LIFELONG LEARNING (7 oldal)(2008)

10 LISBON DECLARATION (Europe’s Universities beyond 2010. február 7.


PRAGUA DECLARATION 2009 (3 oldal) nyomtatott


Exploratory study by Thomas Estermann and Terhi Nokkala (2009)nyomtatott


A selection of papers from the 3rd European Quality assurance forum Case studies 2009 http://eit.europa.eu/fileadmin/Content/Downloads/PDF/Key_documents/EIT_publication_Final.pdf

14. Required learning hours and assignment
Kontakt óra28
Félévközi készülés órákra 4
Felkészülés zárthelyire 4
Házi feladat elkészítése 14
Kijelölt írásos tananyag elsajátítása 10
Vizsgafelkészülés -
Összesen 60
15. Syllabus prepared by Anikó Kálmán Dr.