Business and Financial Analytics

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Üzleti és pénzügyi elemzés

Last updated: 2013. november 4.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics

Business Information Systems MSc.


Analytical Business Intelligence

Financial Informatics 

Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
GT35M403 0,2 3/0/0/v 4  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Sebestyén Zoltán,
4. Instructors




KÓSA, Zsuzsanna PhD

associate professor

Dep. of. Telecommunications and Mediainformatics

ORMOS, Mihály Ph.D

associate professor

Department of Finances

5. Required knowledge

Basic financial and economic knowledge; knowledge about investments, credits and loans.

6. Pre-requisites

A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge

The main purpose of the course is to build up a theoretical basis for the external evaluation of the firms, and to support the investments based on that evaluations. Within that there are special topics, like the followings: evaluation of securities based on risk and return analysis, portfolio management. Analysis of frequent business cases like: investment and lending situations, financial risk assessment, recognition of unrealistic transactions or offers with extremely high risk, finding acceptable compromised solutions.

8. Synopsis

Synopsis :


 Indicators to evaluate value and risk of  firms

 Involving new capital to enterprises, possible forms, strategies for securing 

 Pricing credits, evaluation of claims, scoring credit-claims , 

 Risk of exchange rates, risk of having loans


Business Case study 1: CAPEX with high level of Debt/Equity


 Financial behavior: investor types, expectations  and behavior

 Non financial investments and their risks

 Financial investments, securities, security markets, financial markets

 Pricing of securities, basket pricing method, forecasting rates

o Business Case study 2: Firm entering to the capital market


 Definition of risk, relation between risk and yield, distribution of risk, calculation of yield 

 Selection of securities and portfolios, based on returns

 Market of securities, forecasting return 

 Theory for portfolios, options and their effects, selecting and analyzing portfolio and securities 

o Business Case study 3: Preparing for pension funding


 Analysis of securities with interests

 Government securities, evaluation of county risk and inflation

 Pricing firms securities , pricing basket for securities 

o Business Case study 4: Firm issuing new bonds and securities 


 Prediction of breakdown with financing modeling

 Solutions and models for data intensive and complex problems  

9. Method of instruction

Lectures with possibility of interaction 


10. Assessment
a. During  the semester there is one  in-class test (ZH).
b. In the examination period: written  exam with the possibility of oral extension, there is no preliminary examination date
c. Condition for the signature is that the aggregate performance on the test exceeds 40% 
11. Recaps

There is one possibility to repeat the test in the teaching period. In the rectification period(repeat period) there is another (final) possibility to rewrite the in-class test (ZH).


12. Consultations
Preliminary appointment with instructors or after the lectures
13. References, textbooks and resources
Main textbook:
- Bodie, Kane, Marcus: Investments, Mc Graw Hill 8. edition, 2009.
- Magyarul is megjelent Bodie, Kane, Marcus: Befektetések,  Aula kiadó 2005.
 T. H. Davenport, J. G. Harris: Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning, Harvard Business Press, 2007
 A. Kuznetsov, The complete guide to capital markets for quantitative professionals, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2006
 E. A. Helfert: Techniques of Financial Analysis: A Guide to Value Creation, Edition: 11, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2003
 G. T. Friedlob, L. L. F. Schleifer: Essentials of Financial Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, 2003

14. Required learning hours and assignment



Preparation for classes


Preparation for test




Processing prescribed texts


Preparation for exam




15. Syllabus prepared by




KÓSA, Zsuzsanna PhD

associate professor

Dep. of. Telecommunications and Mediainformatics

ORMOS, Mihály Ph.D

associate professor

Department of Finances