Microcontroller Laboratory

A tantárgy neve magyarul / Name of the subject in Hungarian: Mikrokontroller laboratórium

Last updated: 2016. január 3.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Electrical Engineering B.Sc.         
Embedded and Control Systems Specialization         
Computer Based Systems Branch         
Course ID Semester Assessment Credit Tantárgyfélév
VIAUA351 6 0/0/3/f 4  
3. Course coordinator and department Dr. Tevesz Gábor,
4. Instructors
Name: Title: Department:
Dr. Gábor Tevesz assoc. prof. Automation and Applied Informatics
Domokos Kissassistant lect. Automation and Applied Informatics
Zoltán Szabó assistant lect.
Automation and Applied Informatics
5. Required knowledge
6. Pre-requisites
((TárgyTeljesítve("BMEVIAUA348") VAGY
TargyEredmeny("BMEVIAUA348", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0 )
Szakirany("AVIszgalr", _) )

ÉS NEM ( TárgyEredmény( "BMEVIAUAC08" , "jegy" , _ ) >= 2
TárgyEredmény("BMEVIAUAC08", "FELVETEL", AktualisFelev()) > 0 )

A fenti forma a Neptun sajátja, ezen technikai okokból nem változtattunk.

A kötelező előtanulmányi rend az adott szak honlapján és képzési programjában található.

7. Objectives, learning outcomes and obtained knowledge The course provides competences to design and implement the hardware components of microcontroller based systems, to implement the associated low-level software system, and to develop high-level control client applications.
8. Synopsis
  1. 9 laboratory exercises covering the material of Microcontroller based systems course
  2. System design homework
9. Method of instruction The course consists of 9 laboratory exercises, and development of an embedded system as a homework.
10. Assessment
In lecture term:
9 laboratory exercises and 1 homework
In examination period:

The credits can be obtained by successfully participating on the laboratory exercises and successfully presenting the homework. The end of semester result is calculated from the grades of each laboratory exercise (based on quick tests, in class work and documentation) and the grade of the homework.

11. Recaps Two laboratory exercises can be repeated during the semester and the repeat period in accordance with the Code of Studies and Exams (CSE). The homework must be presented until the end of the repeat period.
12. Consultations Before and after lectures, or upon request, appointed with the lecturer.
13. References, textbooks and resources Electronic laboratory guides.
14. Required learning hours and assignment
Contact hours40
Preparation for practices 40
Homework 40
15. Syllabus prepared by
Name: Title: Department:
Dr. Gábor Tevesz assoc. prof. Automation and Applied Informatics
Domokos Kiss assistant lect. Automation and Applied Informatics
Zoltán Szabó assistant lect.
Automation and Applied Informatics